Notebooks & Albums
- The Chance Journals (3)
- The Galets Journals (2)
- The Segments Journals (2)
- Pencils (4)
- Leather Collections - Accessories, Journals and Refills (32)
- Liasse Collection (32)
- 31 Days Notebooks (9)
- Bamsa Notebooks (6)
- Gargi Notebook (3)
- Liasses Trésor (5)
- Albums (4)
- Travel Notebook (5)
- Exlibris Notebook (2)
- Shibori Collection (4)
- Escapade Notebooks (4)
- The Pilgrims & Amulet Journals (20)
- Arpenteur Collection (1)
- Bondo Notebooks (6)
- Passeport and Necklace Notebook (12)
- Fleuri Notebooks (2)
- Poetry Notebooks (1)
- Square Visitor's Books Collection (5)
- Sagarmata Notebook (4)
- LLA093-Butterfly Garland (3)
- LLA093M-Butterfly Precious Garland (4)
- LLA094-Bird Garland (2)
- LLA094M-Bird Precious Garland (2)
- LLA095-Heart Garland (5)
- LLA095M-Mignardise Garland (3)
- LLA150-Eiffel Tower Garland (3)
- LLA162-Cats Garland (1)
- LLA162M-Cats Precious Garland (1)
- LLA238-Hearts Batik Garland (1)
- LLA239-Planets Batik Garland (1)
- LLA274-1001 Hearts Garland (1)
- LLA283M-Forest Precious Garland (1)
- LLA284M-Foliage Precious Garland (1)
- LLA295-Elephant Garland (2)
- LLA296-Elephant Batik Garland (1)
- LLA297-Classic Regatta Garland (2)
- LLA307-Birds Lilly Garland (1)
- LLA352-Classic Sky Garland (2)
- LLA353-Classic Swallows Garland (1)
- LLA353M-Swallows Precious Garland (1)
- LLA365-SaniNani Butterfly Garland (2)
- LLA432MK-SaniNani Stars Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA433MK-SaniNani Hearts Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA434MK-SaniNani Butterflies Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA435MK-SaniNani Tiny Birds Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA441K-Planes Garland (1)
- LLA455K-B&W Galaxy Garland (1)
- LLA459K-Mascarene Garland (1)
- LLA482K-Amazon Garland (1)
- LLA495K-Reading Cats Garland (1)
- LLA500K-Playing Cats Garland (1)
- LLA501K-Playing Cats Batik Garland (1)
- LLA511K-Chicks Garland (1)
- LLA524K-Clouds Garland (1)
- LLA524MK-Clouds Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA548M-Vienna Envol Precious Garland (1)
- LLA556K-Swallows Garland (1)
- LLA558K-Shells Batik Garland (1)
- LLA571MK-Kumiko Precious Garland (1)
- LLA572K-Ashvins Garland (1)
- LLA578K-Hearts Swing Garland (1)
- LLA581K-Kumiko Blues Garland (1)
- LLA582K-Mini Clouds Colors Garland (1)
- LLA587K-Sheeps Garland (1)
- LLA595-Rhizome Butterfly Garland (3)
- LLA596-Rhizome Kumiko Garland (3)
- LLA602M-Brocéliande Star Garland (1)
- LLA603M-Brocéliande Double Star Garland (1)
- LLA605M-Birds Macaron Garland (1)
- LLA606M-Butterflies Macaron Garland (1)
- LLA608M-Cats Macaron Garland (1)
- LLA609M-Sheeps Macaron Garland (1)
- LLA610K-Adret Méribel Garland (1)
- LLA613K-Sweet Stars Méribel Garland (1)
- LLA615-Bunny Garland (1)
- LLA616-Fledglings Garland (1)
- LLA617-Swallows Garland (1)
- LLA618-Kittens Garland (1)
- LLA619-Double Butterfly Garland (1)
- LLA620-Double Disc Garland (1)
- LLA621-Light Flowers Garland (1)
- LLA622-Daisies Garland (4)
- LLA624M-Broceliande Double Butterfly Garland (2)
- LLA625M-Double Heart Garland (1)
- LLA626M-Big Double Pine Tree Garland (1)
- LLA627M-Small Double Pine Tree Garland (2)
- LLA628M-Elephant Garland (2)
- LLA631-Kumiko Traverse Batik Garland (1)
- LLA632-Zanzibar Fish Garland (1)
- LLA633-Zanzibar Owl Garland (1)
- LLA634-Zanzibar Butterfly Garland (1)
- LLA635-Zanzibar Sardines Garland (1)
- LLA636-Zanzibar Regatta Garland (1)
- LLA643-Calico Hearts Garland (1)
- LLA644M-Golden Pine Tree Garland (4)
- LLA645M-Constellation Garland (4)
- LLA646M-Brocéliande Leaves Garland (2)
- LLA647M-Brocéliande Owl Garland (2)
- LLA648M-Brocéliande Fish Garland (2)
- LLA650-ArchiCoeurs Garland Plain (3)
- LLA651-Disques Garland Plain (4)
- LLA652-BlueNote Swallow Garland (1)
- LLA654-BlueNote Double Butterfly Garland (1)
- LLA655-Panpan Garland (1)
- LLA656-Fleurettes Garland (4)
- LLA657-Songbirds Garland (3)
- LLA658-Zanzibar Bunny Garland
- LLA659-Zanzibar Cats Garland (1)
- LLA660-Zanzibar Antoine Garland (1)
- LLA661-Zanzibar Cars Garland (1)
- LLA662-Zanzibar Shells Garland (1)
- LLA667MK-ilNeige Garland (1)
- LLA668MK-Comet Garland (1)
- LLA669MK- Hinoki Garland (1)
- LLA670M & LLA670MK-Herbarium garland (6)
- LLA671MK-Precious Daisies Garland (1)
- LLF342-Felt Ball Garland (2)
- LLF680-Felt Christmas Trees Garland (5)
- LLF681-Felt Sheeps Garland (4)
- LLF688-Felt Balls Garland (1)
- LLF689-Sweet Stars Felt Garland (5)
- LLF697-Felt Garland Sapinière (3)
- LLF707-Felt Dot Garland (2)
- LLF708-Felt Flower Garland (2)
- Tibetan Prayer Flag (1)
- Bags and fashion accessories (21)
- Jewellery (33)
Handmade Paper from Nepal
- P1B-Classic Thick Lokta (37)
- P3B-Classic Thin Lokta (108)
- P3PRE-Lokta Precious (3)
- PN041-Kongpo (8)
- PN046-Chanel (3)
- PN047M-Klimt Metallic (2)
- PN050-Pois (7)
- PN058-Prairie (6)
- PN088-Rhododendron (3)
- PN109-Istanbul (2)
- PN124S-Turtle Skin (4)
- PN142-Lord (2)
- PN149-Leaves (2)
- PN151-Palm leaves (3)
- PN153-Okinawa (3)
- PN162M-SybilleM (2)
- PN188-Jungle (2)
- PN190M-Lignes Metallic (1)
- PN191M-Etoiles Metallic (1)
- PN196-NEO-Barbour (7)
- PN302M-Rondanlo Metallic (2)
- PN328-Grenade (2)
- PN333-Palmyre (1)
- PN342-Bain Douches (1)
- PN343-Sashiko (2)
- PN361M-Kahori Metallic (2)
- PN368-Sésame (2)
- PN373-B&W - Black & White (2)
- PN380-Red & White (3)
- PN382-Yarlung (2)
- PN385-Capsule (4)
- PN386M-Metallic Collections (8)
- PN387M-Tsuru Metallic (5)
- PN395-Forest (2)
- PN396-Sardines (2)
- PN403-Tomoe (3)
- PN407-Vanaspati (4)
- PN408-Fontainebleau (3)
- PN408M-Fontainebleau Metallic (3)
- PN409-Saule (3)
- PN410-Dragons (3)
- PN410M-Dragons Metallic (4)
- PN415-Monstera (3)
- PN421-Libellules (3)
- PN422M-Fougères Metallic (2)
- PN423M-Kumiko Metallic (4)
- PN424M-Metallic 2 Collections (7)
- PN427-Botanic (3)
- PN428-Nude Collections (5)
- PN429-Blues Collections (6)
- PN434-Floralis Collections (4)
- PN439-Max Papers (13)
- PN440-Brocéliande Collection (18)
- PN441-Bamsa Collection (6)
- PN442-Kikou (7)
- PN447-Thrush & Strawberries (8)
- PN448-Anise Flowers (2)
- PN449-Bamboo Forest (3)
- PN450-Verdure Small (6)
- PN451-Verdure Medium (6)
- PN452-Virginie Collection (8)
- PN453M-Gold Greenery (6)
- PN454M-Gold Tulips (6)
- PN455M-Stellar Collector (10)
- PN458-Arcadie (6)
- PN460-Spirales (5)
- PN461-Fougères (6)
- PN462-Collector Echo (13)
- PN463-Points (7)
- PN465M-Collector Zenith (15)
- PN466-Acanthus Flowers (6)
- PN467-Mikado (6)
- PN468-Houle (4)
- PN469-Serenity (4)
- PXCV-The Translucides (12)
- Natural paper & art (55)
Lokta Stationery
- A4B - Pack of 10 sheets of Lamali Lokta paper Thin - 21x29,7cm (16)
- A4P - Pack of 10 sheets of Lamali Lota paper Thick - 21x29,7cm (11)
- SE1B - Pack of 10 envelopes C6 size in Lokta paper (11)
- SE6B - Pack of 10 long env. in Lokta paper (16)
- EC3 - Pack of five cards & env. 15x15cm in Lokta paper (2)
- EC3B - Pack of five cards & envelopes Lokta paper - two colors. (4)
- Promotion - Handmade Papers (83)
- Bins & Paper Fans (17)
- Gift envelopes & gift boxes (12)
- Felt etc. (37)
- Scarfs & Shawls (10)
- Promotion - Products (90)
Notebooks & Albums
- The Chance Journals (3)
- The Galets Journals (2)
- The Segments Journals (2)
- Pencils (4)
- Leather Collections - Accessories, Journals and Refills (32)
- Liasse Collection (32)
- 31 Days Notebooks (9)
- Bamsa Notebooks (6)
- Gargi Notebook (3)
- Liasses Trésor (5)
- Albums (4)
- Travel Notebook (5)
- Exlibris Notebook (2)
- Shibori Collection (4)
- Escapade Notebooks (4)
- The Pilgrims & Amulet Journals (20)
- Arpenteur Collection (1)
- Bondo Notebooks (6)
- Passeport and Necklace Notebook (12)
- Fleuri Notebooks (2)
- Poetry Notebooks (1)
- Square Visitor's Books Collection (5)
- Sagarmata Notebook (4)
- LLA093-Butterfly Garland (3)
- LLA093M-Butterfly Precious Garland (4)
- LLA094-Bird Garland (2)
- LLA094M-Bird Precious Garland (2)
- LLA095-Heart Garland (5)
- LLA095M-Mignardise Garland (3)
- LLA150-Eiffel Tower Garland (3)
- LLA162-Cats Garland (1)
- LLA162M-Cats Precious Garland (1)
- LLA238-Hearts Batik Garland (1)
- LLA239-Planets Batik Garland (1)
- LLA274-1001 Hearts Garland (1)
- LLA283M-Forest Precious Garland (1)
- LLA284M-Foliage Precious Garland (1)
- LLA295-Elephant Garland (2)
- LLA296-Elephant Batik Garland (1)
- LLA297-Classic Regatta Garland (2)
- LLA307-Birds Lilly Garland (1)
- LLA352-Classic Sky Garland (2)
- LLA353-Classic Swallows Garland (1)
- LLA353M-Swallows Precious Garland (1)
- LLA365-SaniNani Butterfly Garland (2)
- LLA432MK-SaniNani Stars Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA433MK-SaniNani Hearts Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA434MK-SaniNani Butterflies Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA435MK-SaniNani Tiny Birds Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA441K-Planes Garland (1)
- LLA455K-B&W Galaxy Garland (1)
- LLA459K-Mascarene Garland (1)
- LLA482K-Amazon Garland (1)
- LLA495K-Reading Cats Garland (1)
- LLA500K-Playing Cats Garland (1)
- LLA501K-Playing Cats Batik Garland (1)
- LLA511K-Chicks Garland (1)
- LLA524K-Clouds Garland (1)
- LLA524MK-Clouds Barocco Garland (1)
- LLA548M-Vienna Envol Precious Garland (1)
- LLA556K-Swallows Garland (1)
- LLA558K-Shells Batik Garland (1)
- LLA571MK-Kumiko Precious Garland (1)
- LLA572K-Ashvins Garland (1)
- LLA578K-Hearts Swing Garland (1)
- LLA581K-Kumiko Blues Garland (1)
- LLA582K-Mini Clouds Colors Garland (1)
- LLA587K-Sheeps Garland (1)
- LLA595-Rhizome Butterfly Garland (3)
- LLA596-Rhizome Kumiko Garland (3)
- LLA602M-Brocéliande Star Garland (1)
- LLA603M-Brocéliande Double Star Garland (1)
- LLA605M-Birds Macaron Garland (1)
- LLA606M-Butterflies Macaron Garland (1)
- LLA608M-Cats Macaron Garland (1)
- LLA609M-Sheeps Macaron Garland (1)
- LLA610K-Adret Méribel Garland (1)
- LLA613K-Sweet Stars Méribel Garland (1)
- LLA615-Bunny Garland (1)
- LLA616-Fledglings Garland (1)
- LLA617-Swallows Garland (1)
- LLA618-Kittens Garland (1)
- LLA619-Double Butterfly Garland (1)
- LLA620-Double Disc Garland (1)
- LLA621-Light Flowers Garland (1)
- LLA622-Daisies Garland (4)
- LLA624M-Broceliande Double Butterfly Garland (2)
- LLA625M-Double Heart Garland (1)
- LLA626M-Big Double Pine Tree Garland (1)
- LLA627M-Small Double Pine Tree Garland (2)
- LLA628M-Elephant Garland (2)
- LLA631-Kumiko Traverse Batik Garland (1)
- LLA632-Zanzibar Fish Garland (1)
- LLA633-Zanzibar Owl Garland (1)
- LLA634-Zanzibar Butterfly Garland (1)
- LLA635-Zanzibar Sardines Garland (1)
- LLA636-Zanzibar Regatta Garland (1)
- LLA643-Calico Hearts Garland (1)
- LLA644M-Golden Pine Tree Garland (4)
- LLA645M-Constellation Garland (4)
- LLA646M-Brocéliande Leaves Garland (2)
- LLA647M-Brocéliande Owl Garland (2)
- LLA648M-Brocéliande Fish Garland (2)
- LLA650-ArchiCoeurs Garland Plain (3)
- LLA651-Disques Garland Plain (4)
- LLA652-BlueNote Swallow Garland (1)
- LLA654-BlueNote Double Butterfly Garland (1)
- LLA655-Panpan Garland (1)
- LLA656-Fleurettes Garland (4)
- LLA657-Songbirds Garland (3)
- LLA658-Zanzibar Bunny Garland
- LLA659-Zanzibar Cats Garland (1)
- LLA660-Zanzibar Antoine Garland (1)
- LLA661-Zanzibar Cars Garland (1)
- LLA662-Zanzibar Shells Garland (1)
- LLA667MK-ilNeige Garland (1)
- LLA668MK-Comet Garland (1)
- LLA669MK- Hinoki Garland (1)
- LLA670M & LLA670MK-Herbarium garland (6)
- LLA671MK-Precious Daisies Garland (1)
- LLF342-Felt Ball Garland (2)
- LLF680-Felt Christmas Trees Garland (5)
- LLF681-Felt Sheeps Garland (4)
- LLF688-Felt Balls Garland (1)
- LLF689-Sweet Stars Felt Garland (5)
- LLF697-Felt Garland Sapinière (3)
- LLF707-Felt Dot Garland (2)
- LLF708-Felt Flower Garland (2)
- Tibetan Prayer Flag (1)
- Bags and fashion accessories (21)
- Jewellery (33)
Handmade Paper from Nepal
- P1B-Classic Thick Lokta (37)
- P3B-Classic Thin Lokta (108)
- P3PRE-Lokta Precious (3)
- PN041-Kongpo (8)
- PN046-Chanel (3)
- PN047M-Klimt Metallic (2)
- PN050-Pois (7)
- PN058-Prairie (6)
- PN088-Rhododendron (3)
- PN109-Istanbul (2)
- PN124S-Turtle Skin (4)
- PN142-Lord (2)
- PN149-Leaves (2)
- PN151-Palm leaves (3)
- PN153-Okinawa (3)
- PN162M-SybilleM (2)
- PN188-Jungle (2)
- PN190M-Lignes Metallic (1)
- PN191M-Etoiles Metallic (1)
- PN196-NEO-Barbour (7)
- PN302M-Rondanlo Metallic (2)
- PN328-Grenade (2)
- PN333-Palmyre (1)
- PN342-Bain Douches (1)
- PN343-Sashiko (2)
- PN361M-Kahori Metallic (2)
- PN368-Sésame (2)
- PN373-B&W - Black & White (2)
- PN380-Red & White (3)
- PN382-Yarlung (2)
- PN385-Capsule (4)
- PN386M-Metallic Collections (8)
- PN387M-Tsuru Metallic (5)
- PN395-Forest (2)
- PN396-Sardines (2)
- PN403-Tomoe (3)
- PN407-Vanaspati (4)
- PN408-Fontainebleau (3)
- PN408M-Fontainebleau Metallic (3)
- PN409-Saule (3)
- PN410-Dragons (3)
- PN410M-Dragons Metallic (4)
- PN415-Monstera (3)
- PN421-Libellules (3)
- PN422M-Fougères Metallic (2)
- PN423M-Kumiko Metallic (4)
- PN424M-Metallic 2 Collections (7)
- PN427-Botanic (3)
- PN428-Nude Collections (5)
- PN429-Blues Collections (6)
- PN434-Floralis Collections (4)
- PN439-Max Papers (13)
- PN440-Brocéliande Collection (18)
- PN441-Bamsa Collection (6)
- PN442-Kikou (7)
- PN447-Thrush & Strawberries (8)
- PN448-Anise Flowers (2)
- PN449-Bamboo Forest (3)
- PN450-Verdure Small (6)
- PN451-Verdure Medium (6)
- PN452-Virginie Collection (8)
- PN453M-Gold Greenery (6)
- PN454M-Gold Tulips (6)
- PN455M-Stellar Collector (10)
- PN458-Arcadie (6)
- PN460-Spirales (5)
- PN461-Fougères (6)
- PN462-Collector Echo (13)
- PN463-Points (7)
- PN465M-Collector Zenith (15)
- PN466-Acanthus Flowers (6)
- PN467-Mikado (6)
- PN468-Houle (4)
- PN469-Serenity (4)
- PXCV-The Translucides (12)
- Natural paper & art (55)
Lokta Stationery
- A4B - Pack of 10 sheets of Lamali Lokta paper Thin - 21x29,7cm (16)
- A4P - Pack of 10 sheets of Lamali Lota paper Thick - 21x29,7cm (11)
- SE1B - Pack of 10 envelopes C6 size in Lokta paper (11)
- SE6B - Pack of 10 long env. in Lokta paper (16)
- EC3 - Pack of five cards & env. 15x15cm in Lokta paper (2)
- EC3B - Pack of five cards & envelopes Lokta paper - two colors. (4)
- Promotion - Handmade Papers (83)
- Bins & Paper Fans (17)
- Gift envelopes & gift boxes (12)
- Felt etc. (37)
- Scarfs & Shawls (10)
- Promotion - Products (90)
Maison & Objet
Hall 1 E47
Hall 1.1 C11